Thursday, February 17, 2005


OK, I admit it. I’m bacon-curious. I am a vegetarian who is having a love affair with bacon. I love bacon all ways—spaghetti carbonara, wilted spinach salad with a warm bacon vinaigrette, bacon sandwiches, and, well, just plain bacon. My vegetarian friend S insists that because of my bacon flirtation, I am in fact a carnivore. I resent this. I have been a devout vegetarian for nearly fifteen years (ever since an unfortunate incident with a chicken). I would argue that I am no more a carnivore than a straight woman who occasionally frolics with other women is a lesbian. Just as she would be called “bi-curious,” I am “bacon-curious.” Just as she lusts after her husband, I lust over a head of organic broccoli. Just as on occasion, she meets a particularly delicious woman, so, on occasion, I meet a particularly delicious plate of bacon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you like eating bacon, that's absolutely fine, and I find your 'bacon-curious' clever and funny. However, I must agree with your friend that someone who eats meat is not, in fact, a vegetarian. It's not a moral judgement, it's just a matter of classification, really. I like your blog, by the way.

5:05 AM  

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